Family Safari In Uganda With Kids

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Family Safari In Uganda With Kids

Are you looking for a home away from your home? Uganda the pearl of Africa is the best home for you. Book your safari with Adventure in the wild safaris to give you the best package for your safari so that you enjoy to the fullest. Additionally, this company will give you a chance to book and reserve for you all the best places and accommodations where you may wish to stay while on your safari. Therefore, its high time you booked and take your kids with family for a trip to enjoy the wilderness and experience the wild with its beauty.

Planning a family Safari in Uganda with kids.

Among all the east African countries, Uganda has got the first position of having the best places, attractions, activities and accommodations that have attracted very many people including the foreigners from different destinations and countries to come see and experience the pearl of Africa. These include national parks, lakes, rivers, and so many others. The activities include the gorilla trekking, chimpanzee trekking, hiking, mountaineering, nature walks to mention but a few.

Which places are suitable for a family Safari in Uganda?

Once the family arrives in Uganda for the first time, it’s the responsibility for the company to welcome them, brief them about what Uganda is and then tell them all what is in Uganda including the best beautiful places to visit that will leave them yearning to come back next time.

There is always a commonly asked question by the clients and that is Which should be the best and suitable place to be visited by the family safari in Uganda? The western part of Uganda is the answer for example, Kibale, Kanungu, Kisoro, Mbarara and so forth. These districts have got a number of attractions such as the chimpanzees, the gorillas, cultural centers such as Igongo cultural center. The western part has also got lakes including the Victoria, Bunyonyi, Edward and George, Kyoga to mention but a few. The national parks include Kibale, Mgahinga, Bwindi and so forth. The activities done in these parks include, chimpanzee trekking, gorilla trekking, nature walks for example in Kibale doing an evening Bigodi nature walk and also trekking of the chimpanzees in the morning. This activity is done at 8 am after a brief briefing with your trained guide where you will enter into the jungle and start the trekking. Once you get these primates, you are given ample time to spend with them while having fun and taking photos.
More on the attractions we have the rhinos in Nakasongola. These have continuously attracted many people including the kids who are also allowed to come in while walking to see the rhinos. The kids are allowed because the grass is always short where they stay therefore this gives comfort to the children to walk in.
Putting aside the western part, Uganda has also got the central part where Ngamba island chimpanzee section is located. This island has helped kids to experience and see the wild chimpanzees.
There is also another Island known as the Kalangala island that is simply located on Lake Victoria. This has got beaches where the kids can swim and enjoy from.

Uganda family Safari Highlights.

The gorillas and the chimpanzees are the main activities or most activities liked by people who book. This involves travelling to Bwindi impenetrable national forest and kibale national forest national park with your family to move into the jungle and start the trekking. However, in case you came with the kids who are below 15 years, they will not be allowed into the jungle to trek. While in the jungle, you will also feel the beautiful and clean wind of the forest that will not leave you the same rather you will keep on coming to Uganda to feel the same.
Putting the activities of gorilla trekking and chimpanzee trekking aside, Uganda has also got the guided nature walks more in the primate parks which helps the family people in the safari to interact with the local people in the community. There are also boat cruises more so in lake Mburo national park, queen Elizabeth national park on the kazinga channel and so many others.
It is believed that the western Uganda has got an increased number of attractions. Therefore, most of the family safaris book the western part. This will help them to move while seeing the rolling and beautiful hills, the beautiful sceneries, the green vegetation and the beautiful mountains of Rwenzori.

Valuable planning Tips.

The pearl of Africa has got a lot of attractions that include boat cruise, mountaineering or hiking, white water rafting chimpanzee trekking, gorilla trekking and to mention but a few. However, the most valued activities and most likely activities are the gorilla and chimpanzee trekking. More so these are the most yearned activities for.

Put it in mind that whenever travelling there is always an age restriction for the clients who come for example the age limit for the trekkers is always 15 years and therefore for those who are below that are not allowed to enter into the jungle to start the trekking.

You all well know it very well that the mountain gorillas leave very far into the mountains and high, and the weather up there are not favorable and conducive at all more so to the kids and the people who are allergic. Therefore, it’s your role as a client to book rooms which near and next to the mountains in order to make the kids get exposed and used to the terrible weather so that by the time, they get into the jungle to trek, they are already used to the situation.

For the parents or families who can afford this can make bookings for their kids in Ngamba island chimpanzee sanctuary and the UWEC zoo to enable their kids to view the chimpanzees well.

When travelling with kids on a family safari, remember to be considerable of the long journeys for example the journey from Bwindi or from western Uganda to Entebbe is quite very long and therefore to make it quite short for the kids, you should make frequent stop overs in different towns in order to get refreshments and also to visit some of the interesting places such as the museums, cultural centers, to get excited and also to make the kids to play around and then final continue with your journey. More so you can even have a sleep over in some of those towns. From there you can then continue with your journey to Entebbe where the kids will reach happy and excited about the trip and journey without getting more fatigue.

How to plan a family safari in Uganda.

Before one starts planning for a tour, he or she should consider a number of factors such as the number of people you have, the gender to help you book the needed and favorable accommodations.
Below are the factors to consider when planning a family safari in Uganda.
Start with gradually introducing the idea to the children.
Make sure that you use the flights which are direct in order not to make the clients to get tired and feel disgusted.
Check very well the age restrictions so that you are not bounced back.
You should make sure that you include the private family safari holiday.
When you are travelling put into consideration the instruments used in the field and remember to carry them for example the binoculars, the wild life books, the snacks and the drinks to help you pass through the day.
Allow every one to enjoy the day.
You should make sure that you observe child supervision and maintain the safety precautions. This will help you to protect the kids and not to get any problem till the end of the trip.

Best time to go.

It is known that the best time for visiting Uganda or coming for the Uganda safari is during the months of January, June, July, August, September, December, not forgetting February. This is because during these months, the weather is favorable to almost everyone despite of the different allergic diseases you may have. More so during these months, the clients are able to take the photos clearly without any disturbance.
On the other hand, those who are interested in seeing the primates, the months of June and September are exceptional.

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