Wildlife In Murchison Falls National Park

Wildlife In Murchison Falls National Park

Animal Species In Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison falls national park is a home for four of the big five game, the park prides its self in number of attractions ranging from wild life, bird species, primate species and Murchison water fall which is one of the most powerful water falls in the whole world.
The park, known by locals as Kabalega National Park, is based in northwest Uganda, 285 kilometres from Kampala, the driving distance covers about 5-6 hours.
Situated at the end of the Albertine Rift Valley, and split by the Victoria Nile, the park contains woodland, riverine forest, and savannah.
Murchison Falls National Park is the oldest and largest safari park in Uganda. First founded as a wildlife reserve in 1926, the park is a home to over 76 species of mammals and 451 species of birds.
The park is a fantastic place to start your southwestern safari circuit, before moving on to Kibale national park for chimpanzee trekking experience, Queen Elizabeth for great wildlife viewing and the park is also famous for the tree climbing lions on Isha sha sector and Bwindi impenetrable forest for the renowned Gorilla trekking and Lake Mburo National Park. lake Mburo is the smallest of national parks and its often fixed as the enroute to break up the long journey to and from Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

What will I see at the park?

Murchison National Park is now considered the largest conservation area in Uganda.
The diverse wildlife in the park is an example of their success in protecting species and habitats from poaching that heavily occurred in 1980s which led to destruction and some animals went extinct. As per now, the animal population has greatly recovered, and now when you visit the park, you are able to see a large variety of wildlife through game drives and boat cruises among other activities. Murchison falls is a great tourist destination for travellers taking part I wildlife safaris.

Home to four of the big five game

Murchison falls national park is home to four out of the “Big Five” – elephants, buffalo, lions, and leopards, though leopards are rarely spotted, on a lucky day, you will see the lions and the leopard.
Rhinos lived at the park when it was first set up but due to the massive poaching, which destroyed the animals and they were extinct, however, the government of Uganda through wild life authority have tried to restore the Rhinos at Ziwa Rhino sanctuary situated at Mukerenge Village, Nakasongola District enroute to Murchison falls national park. if you have interest in Rhinos, you do Rhino tracking at the Ziwa Rhino sanctuary.

What to see in the river Nile?

The Nile has got the highest concentration of wildlife. Down by the water you may find hippos, hartebeests, waterbucks, warthogs, oribis, Uganda Kobs, and grey duikers and many other bird species on the shores, these can be seen during the launch cruise on the River Nile, Crocodiles are an easy spot, since the park is home to the largest population in Uganda.
Hyenas live at the park, but are only occasionally spotted.

Chimpanzees & Monkeys:

Beyond the game viewing, the park is also known for chimpanzee trekking, in Murchison falls, chimpanzees are found Kaniyo Pabidi and Budongo forest. the forest host habituated chimpanzee groups opened for Gorilla trekking, as well as Red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, and black-and-white colobus are also sighted in the forest. If you are lucky, you may see Patas monkeys, which are endemic to Murchison.


Murchison Falls National Park has been successful when it comes to conservation. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation has stated that in the last two decades, the Rothschild’s giraffe has increased in Uganda. The park is known for the critically endangered Rothschild’s giraffe, a subspecies of the northern giraffe.
Approximately 1,450 can be found north and 45 south of the Nile. The park is home to around 50% of the population.

Other activities;


451 species of birds live at Murchison Falls National Park. Birds can be spotted on a game drive, nature walk, or a boat cruise on the river Nile and along the different trails in the park while on the game drive.
For the keen birders, taking a boat cruise up the Nile is a fantastic opportunity to see water-associated birds. The sightings may include the shoebill stork, goliath heron, grey crowned crane, Abyssinian ground hornbill, black-headed lapwing, and Senegal thick-knee.

Whereas bird watching is an all-year-round experience, the best time is during the wet season. however, it’s best to visit the park from January to March, which is a low period for tourists, but a brilliant time to spot many birds when there is lots of food and fruits and flowers have flourished. by this time, the migratory birds have started coming.

When to visit Murchison falls national park?

Murchison Falls National Park ca be visited all year round. Lying along the equatorial lane, the country has got a tropical climate and is hot and cold throughout the year with little rainfalls and some months there is no rainfall received at all. However, during the wet season there can be light showers. The dry season runs from December to February and the wet season from March to November.

While the park is open to visitors all year round, you are most likely to spot wildlife from June to September, and from January to March, they tend to congregate around the Nile and other water resources found in the park when the seasonal water holes are dry and the grass is dry and strong heat from the scorching sun thus, they gather around the permanent water holes to drink water and feed within the grass on the shores.

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  • Things To Do
  • Places To See
  • Getting There