Wildlife & Birding In Murchison Falls National Park

Wildlife & Birding In Murchison Falls

Where To Do In Murchison Falls National Park

One of the greatest places in Africa to find the shoebill stork, which has a prehistoric appearance, is Murchison Falls National Park. Seeing this bird when traveling by boat along the Victoria Nile towards the Lake Albert delta is practically inevitable. This boat journey is actually excellent for checking off numerous water-associated birds, as is the more well-known “launch” trip to Murchison Falls. More than 450 species are represented on the excellent park species checklist. From November through April, migratory birds can be found here.

Murchison Falls has a healthy bird population all year round, although it is at its peak from January to March. Despite it being the off-season for tourists, there are many birds active. The wettest months are April to May and August to October, while December to February experiences the least rainfall. Your time for birdwatching may be limited as a result of delays caused by inaccessible roads and slick hiking routes. From November through April, migratory birds can be found here.

The Big Game

There are 76 species of mammals in the park including huge herds of buffaloes, elephants, leopards, lions, giraffes, Jackson’s hartebeest, bushbucks, jackals, Uganda kob, waterbucks and warthogs. Crocodiles and hippos are residents along the river.

The Primates

There are around 800 chimpanzees living in Kaniyo Pabidi and Budongo Forest. Other primates include: Olive baboons, Blue and red-tailed monkeys and black-and-white colobus can be sighted in the forested sectors.

The Birds

The 451 species recorded includes the rare Shoebill Stock that can be spotted at the banks of Nile-Lake Albert Delta, the Goliath Heron and pairs of elegant Grey Crowned Cranes which is Uganda’s national bird. The banks of the Nile also harbour the Blue-headed Coucal, Swamp Flycatcher, Squacco Heron, African Jacana, Sandpipers, Denham’s Bustard, Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill, Black-billed Barbet, Black-headed Gonolek, Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, Piapiac, Silver bird, Weaver Birds, Pied, Giant and Malachite Kingfishers, Red-throated Bee-eater, White-browed Sparrow Weaver, Speckle-fronted Weaver and African Quail-Finch.

Popular Safaris

  • 10 Days Kibale Forest Chimp Trek
  • 15 Days Kibale Primates Safari
  • 20 Days Unique Primates Of Kibale
  • 8 Days Chimps & Red Tail Monkey
  • 7 Days Kibale Birding In The Forest
  • 25 Days Colobus Monkey Kibale

All About Kibale

  • History Of The Park
  • Things To Do
  • Places To See
  • Getting There