Attractions In Murchison Falls National Park

Attractions In Murchison Falls National Park

Where To Go In Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison falls national park comprises of various things, the park has got a unique distinction of a river flowing through it any not just any other river, the mighty and historical river Nile. The park is also known for its powerful water falls in the work where the river squeezes itself through a 7-meter gap with a speed of about 45km and dropping down forming a mist and thunderous roar.
Murchison falls national park is also one of the largest gazzetted areas in Uganda, the park s a home to over 76 mammal species and 450 recorded bird species. Murchison falls national park is also where you will find four of Big five game (the lion, elephants, leopard and Buffalo) except for the ‘Rhinos’ which are also not very far from the park boundaries. Rhinos are found at the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary where you can do Rhino tracking enroute to Murchison falls national park.
The highlight to the many activities in the park is game drive where you will get to see lots of wild life in savannah grass land, the park is a host to both animals, primates, and bird species. Including; the park is also known for harboring the highest number of Rothchild’s giraffes among other animals including; the waterbucks, Uganda Kob, Jackson heart beets, warthogs, oribi among others. While in the Budongo forest, you will see primate species including; chimpanzees, Red-tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, and black-and-white colobus, if you’re lucky, you may see Patas monkeys, which are endemic to Murchison falls national park. visitor in Murchison falls national park, can also do chimpanzee trekking in the forest, the forests have the habituated Chimpanzees opened to trekkers for chimpanzee trekking.
Regular visitors to the riverbanks include elephants, giraffes, and buffaloes; while hippos, Nile crocodiles, and aquatic birds are permanent residents which you will be able to see during the launch cruise in the river Nile. Murchison Falls is notably blessed with over 144 mammals,556 bird species,51 reptiles, and 51 Amphibians.

Murchison Falls National Park Tourist Attractions

The park is a blessed with various attractions to see and things to do while in the park. Murchison falls national park attractions include;

The Murchison falls

Murchison falls also known as the Kabarenga falls is famously known for having the powerful waterfalls as a result where water violently compress through a narrow 7meter gorge and dropping down forming a mist droplet of about 45m radius with a thunderous roar and forming a permanent rainbow-like structure over the battlefield. While in Murchison, the guide will drive you to the top of the night and the cold breeze that comes making the nights of your adventure perfect. Visitors can also take a boat safari on the Victoria Nile River; this would reach its dead end in front of the turbulent Murchison falls though the boat cannot get you close to the falls given the fierce white-water fall dropping down vigorously with much force and thunderous noise.

Wildlife and Birding in Murchison fall National Park

Big Game

Besides the mighty Murchison falls, the park is also known to be the home to the four of the big five wild games (except for the Rhinos), the big five game (the lion, the Elephants, the buffalos and the Leopard) sighted during the game drives in the park other animals include; giraffes, Jackson’s hartebeest, bushbucks, jackals, Uganda Kob, waterbucks and warthogs. Crocodiles and hippos are residents along the river the park boosts with over 76 mammal species and primate species including; the Chimpanzees which are found in Budongo and Kaniyo Pabidi forest where you can also do chimpanzee trekking. while in the forest, you will also see Olive baboons, Blue and red-tailed monkeys and black-and-white colobus monkeys among other mammal species.

Murchison falls birds

The park is a host to over 451 recorded bird species including; the rare Shoebill Stock that can be spotted at the banks of Nile-Lake Albert Delta, the Goliath Heron and pairs of elegant Grey Crowned Cranes, The banks of the Nile also harbour the Blue-headed Coucal, Swamp Flycatcher, Squacco Heron, African Jacana, Sandpipers, Denham’s Bustard, Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill, Black-billed Barbet, Black-headed Gonolek, Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, Piapiac, Silver bird, Weaver Birds, Pied, Giant and Malachite Kingfishers, Red-throated Bee-eater, White-browed Sparrow Weaver, Speckle-fronted Weaver and African Quail-Finch among others. Bird watching can be done during the game drives in the park and the boat cruise in the river Nile where you will get to see variety of bird species a long the shores and the banks of the river.

The River Nile

The river Nile is popularly known as the longest river in the world with its source in Jinja which also one of Uganda’s to tourist destination with many tourists visiting the Nile and taking part in Various activities. The Nile waters flow from south to north through east Africa. The river begins flowing n to Lake Victoria then flows to Kenya and Tanzania up to Egypt and dropping in to the Mediterranean Sea which covers about 6,6oo kilometres to the north.
The river Nile is also one of the top attractions in the park and highly visited by many visitors in Murchison falls national park. the best way to explore the Nile is taking a launch cruise up the stream all the way to the bottom of the waterfall during which you will see various animals and birds. The launch cruise operates in two seasons the morning session starts at 09.00 and afternoon boat cruise commences at 14.00 every day. The round trip takes about 3 hours. Another boat trip goes downstream from Paraa down to the papyrus delta at the point where the river enters into Lake Albert. This 4-5 hour round adventure provides a good chance of discovering the shoebill stork and different varieties of Uganda safari wildlife, the water is crowded with streaming hippos and numerous giant crocodiles seen dusking on the sandbanks, as well as large numbers of different animals and various bird species on the shores and bathing in the water.

The Budongo forest

Budongo forest is situated in the southwestern part of the park and located within the Murchison falls conservation area and extends its boundaries up to kaniyo forest, the Budongo forest is another interesting area you ought not to miss during your safari visit in Murchison falls national park. the forest boosts with a number of things to see ranging from wildlife, different bird species, butterflies, tree species and primates including the chimpanzees where you are able to do chimpanzee trekking.

Kaniyo Pabidi forest

Both Kaniyo Pabidi forest and Budongo forest boost with a number of primate species, the famous being chimpanzees habituated for chimpanzee trekking for the visitors on Murchison falls national park. Located in the southern part of the Murchison Falls conservation Area, the trails through Kaniyo Pabidi forest that stretch for about 8 kilometre inside Kichumbayobo Gate, offers great opportunity for trekkers doing chimpanzee trekking. while in the forest, you will also encounter other primates such as the blue monkeys, olive baboons, as well as the black & white colobus monkeys. Bird watching is excellent with opportunities of sighting various species like the yellow-footed flycatcher, white thighed hornbill and Ituri batis. During this activity, you will be led by guide who is well versed with the trails, other animals seen here include; Buffaloes, elephants and lions among others. There also accommodation facilities ranging from cottages, campsites as well as lodges which offer excellent accommodation and services for the clients.

Karuma falls Murchison falls national park

Karuma falls is located in north western region where the Masindi-Gulu highway crosses the river Nile. Karuma falls comprises of a thunderous water falls cascading of rock formation through which the water forces their way and dropping and forming white foam. The Karuma falls area is also a perfect area to do ports fishing, the surrounding areas of the falls, also boost with different wildlife species including, lions, elephants, buffalos, water bucks, hartebeests, different antelopes like the Uganda Kob, monkeys, baboons among others.

Buligi Game area

This is the best game viewing area in the park popular for game drives and it comprises of open savanna grasslands, riverine vegetation, woodland and acacia. The park conducts both morning game drives and late afternoon game drives, The area is located between the Victoria Nile and the Albert Nile with excellent views towards the western rift valley beyond Lake Albert into the DRC. A drive from Paraa passing Delta Point across the 170 km areas takes 3 to 4 hours. During the game drives, the guide will drive you through the trails in the park and help locate the animals for you. Our 3 days Murchison falls safaris, takes you to Murchison falls national park where you enjoy and experience the best of Murchison falls.


According to the local language Paraa means the ‘home of hippos’ a term that well depicts the large number of hippos found in paraa area which makes the area one of the top-notch destinations to visit in Murchison falls national park. Paraa is situated close to the park which gives visitors a great opportunity to enjoy a diversity of activities such as game drives. Game drives in the park are conducted both early morning as well as in the late afternoon other activities include; hot air balloon rides, cultural visits, birding tours, fishing trips, guided nature walks and launch boat trips. The launch cruise will offer you a chance to see various animals in the water an along the shores of the Nile. the park also offers guided nature walks for the visitors interested in the activity, during the guided walks, you will visit the native Luo people and get a chance to learn about their culture and way of life. In addition, you can also visit the museum with a gift shop found in the northern part of paraa, you may also want to purchase some of beautiful items sold here at a friendly price.
Within this area, there is a luxury accommodation facility – the Paraa Safari Lodge that offers great luxury accommodation facilities. The lodge has got a fine restaurant being run by professional chefs, a well-stocked bar and a very hospitable and professional staff.

Rabogo forest

This forest is known as a birders paradise because it is a home of different species of birds. However, the Rabongo Forest stands as an island covered by tropical river-forest with in a sea of stunning grassland in the south-eastern part of the conservation area. Rabogo forest is one and a half hours drive from Paraa Safari lodge. During birding, you will also view different wildlife species in the forest’ such as the big five game, occasional chimpanzees and other primate species like the baboons, Black and white Colobus monkeys and the red-tailed monkeys. You can also choose to picnic or even camp by the shores of the stunning river Wairingo. Rabongo Forest is surrounded by savannah and the forest covers a length of about 4km2. The forest consists of primates, mammals, diversity of bird species, medicine plants and trees making it ideal for educational tours.
The forest also has Wairingo River near it on which the tourist can enjoy their picnics since it has beautiful views, very good for adventure. They also have a camp area for visitors who would want to relax after along days activities in the park.

Nile-lake Albert Delta

This wide, calm stretch of water, where the tranquil Victoria Nile flows into Lake Albert, is a key area for bird watchers. Its papyrus-lined banks are bursting with bird life, including Goliath Herons, Great Egrets, and African Fish Eagles. The most sought-after species here is the rare Shoe bill.
The Nile- Lake Albert Delta is a stretch of water where the tranquil Victoria Nile pours its water into Lake Albert. Its banks are a home for birdlife and its best for bird watchers. Some of these birds include: Goliath Heron, Great Egrets, African fish Eagles and the rare shoebill can also be sighted here. It’s characterised by eternal war between rock and water. This waters violently compressing through a narrow gorge, spraying misty droplets along their wake over a 50m radius which creates a permanent rainbow over the battlefield and causes a continuous roar. From Baker point on the southern side, you can also view the Nile splitting into the smaller Uhuru falls created in 1962 when the river bursts its banks.

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All About Kibale

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